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Logo Hotel Badia Hill

Salt Crusted Fish

Tradition and Entertainment at Badia Hill

At Badia Hill, we believe that a great dish should not only be delicious, but also an experience to be enjoyed. That is why the preparation of our salt-crusted fish is not limited to the kitchen, but comes to life directly in the dining room, in front of our guests, turning into a true ritual of taste and spectacle.

The magic of cooking in a salt crust
This ancient and refined technique was created with the aim of enhancing the freshness of the fish without altering its natural flavors. After careful selection of the best catch of the day, the fish is wrapped in a shell of sea salt mixed with natural flavors such as Mediterranean herbs and citrus fruits. In the oven, the heat allows the crust to solidify, creating a kind of casket that seals in moisture and aromas, ensuring tender and juicy meat.

The show in the dining room
Once perfectly cooked, the fish is brought directly to the table, and here begins the most fascinating part of the experience. Our maître, with elegance and precision, breaks the crust with a light blow, releasing an irresistible aroma. With careful and delicate movements, he removes the skin and proceeds to filleting, serving the fish still warm on the plate, ready to be enjoyed in its simplicity and perfection.

A unique experience to enjoy
Salt-crusted fish is not just a dish, but a ritual that combines tradition and entertainment. At Badia Hill, we love to offer our guests not only extraordinary flavors, but also moments to remember.

We are waiting for you to enjoy this exclusive experience, where taste and entertainment meet in a perfect balance.

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